Mount Pisgah

All-God is here! And always has been!

Rest your searching heart and quiet your mind for It sings to you and the only obstacle to hearing is the one you build. All-God is not within your mind, or without this world! It is in the breeze through the hills, It is in an acorn falling in soft grass, It is in the eyes of every insect beneath your feet and It is in the call of every bird above your head. Be held by It and end your searching! Put aside longing for we have all we could ever long for within All-God!

It does not ask for your devotion, It does not need your warring, It does not beg you to preach Its word. We may end all we do in Its name. It wants for nothing for it is everything!

If this is all there is, make it all we need! Raise your eyes and fill your heart so you may join the chorus that sings— “All-God” Within The Earthsong!

John Woodruff’s newest album continues the mounting of Pisgah.


Pak Boules